HELINA Steven Wanyee Macharia
HELINA Steven Wanyee Macharia

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Steven Wanyee Macharia

President - HELINA Steven is a formally trained biomedical and health informatics professional and a digital health practitioner with over 25 years practising experience and expertise. During this time, he has supported more than 20 Ministries of Health in Africa to develop digital health policies, strategies, and various standards and guidelines to support their digital transformation in health journeys. He has designed, developed and led teams comprising diverse professionals in implementing digital interventions, services and applications in health predominantly in Africa. Steven runs a digital health engineering development firm, IntelliSOFT Consulting Limited (www.intellisoftkenya.com) based out of Nairobi which he founded in 2007. He is the Founder Secretary General of the Kenya Health Informatics Association (www.kehia.org), and the current President of HEalth INformatics in Africa (www.helina.africa). He is well renowned on the global level working closely with international organisations such within the UN family such as WHO, UNICEF, ITU, World Bank, UNDP and others and aid agencies such as USAID, GIZ, US-CDC as well as continental bodies such as AfricaCDC, East Africa Community, IGAD and others to provide thought leadership and technical assistance in global digital health. Steven has strong research interests in AI for health and actively contributes to initiatives such as the WHO SMART guidelines that are essential foundations for ethical and responsible implementation and use of AI in healthcare. As the President for HELINA, his core goals are; 1) Professionalising health informatics and digital health in Africa, 2) Promoting adoption and meaningful use of standards and 3) Generating evidence and knowledge to inform digital health development in Africa