Dr.France da Costa Vroom
Dr.France da Costa Vroom

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Dr. Frances Baaba da-Costa Vroom

Dr. Frances Baaba da-Costa Vroom (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Health, University of Ghana. She teaches and conducts research in digital health. She has consulted for organisations such as WHO, HISP-SA, GEMNet-Health, ITU and others. She has served and continues to serve on technical working groups such as the WHO Classification of Digital Health Interventions Update Advisory Group, WHO/I-DAIR Digital Health Competency Framework Development Group, Africa CDC Technical Advisory Group for the Africa Epidemic Services (AES) Public Health Informatics track and a member of the PATH Global Goods Review Board. Baaba is the Immediate Past President of the Pan African Health Informatics Association (HELINA) and She is currently the Regional VP for HELINA on the International Medical Informatics