What we Do

The Mali Society of Biomedical and Health Information (SOMIBS) also known as Société Malienne d’Informatique Biomédicale et de Santé (SOMIBS), was created in March of 2005 to extend the activities of REIMICOM, the network of healthcare institutions for medical informatics in Mali.

REIMICOM was founded as a non-profit association in 2002 to regroup all hospitals and healthcare institutions in Mali and provide them with IT services (a private network with high internet bandwidth, a secure e-mail server, a Web portal with specific contents, and tools and coordination for distance medical education in cooperation with the RAFT project).

Focus Areas


  • The development of distance continuing education for healthcare professionals since 2002,
  • The promotion of teleconsultations and teleradiology since 2003,
  • The organization of the first roundtable on ITC in health in November of 2002, with the support of the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) and the Ministry of Health,
  • The organization of the national workshop on ITC in health in September of 2003, with the support of IICD and the Ministry of Health,
  • Training activities in regional hospitals (120 professionals trained in the use of ICT in the 6 regions of Mali)